How To String Lights Across Backyard?

By Harry RamosLast update: 2024-05-13
How To String Lights Across Backyard?

It’s not hard to string some light strands on a backyard.

However, if you want them to be aesthetic and add a nice ambience to this outdoor space, it’s worth spending extra time and effort to find out the right technique. This depends on your preference, the backyard’s shape and size, as well as the obstructions in there.

Below are several common ways on how to string lights across the backyard, all are very easy to follow. Read on!

String Lights From Poles/posts

Whether you have some available tall poles/posts in your backyard or have to install them for lighting, there are many ways to string lights from these items.

V pattern

How To String Lights Across Backyard?

This is also the easiest to try because it requires only three endpoints.

You can apply the technique in any shapes and sizes of the backyard, no matter that it is round, oblong, rectangle, or square. It is such that versatile and simple.

The one and sole thing to consider when installing this lighting pattern is the point of the “V” should be well-anchored to capably bear a full force of two other light tension. In terms of the light strand, you can choose to use between one long strand or two shorter units as preference.

X pattern

How To String Lights Across Backyard?

This is an upgraded version of the “V” pattern, which features two light strands hung across each other at a 45-degree or 90-degree angle.

It is ideal for large rectangle and square backyards, and require 4 endpoints to string lights.

For ultra-large areas where the locations of four posts are extended, meaning for longer light strips required. I suggest installing one more post located in the intersection point between two wires to help the tension distribution while keeping them straight across your backyard.

Horizon Point

How To String Lights Across Backyard?

It is recommended for rectangular or oblong backyards.

The most important requirement of the horizon point technique is consistency.

No matter how many light strings you intend to use, make sure they are evenly spread out for the best lighting effect.

Moreover, make sure the pinnacle point is sturdily mounted so that it’s able to handle the constant light tension of other strings.

W Pattern

How To String Lights Across Backyard?

For tight and narrow backyards, applying the “W” pattern is perfect to create enough lighting with an encompassing and interesting look.

Take note that this technique requires up to 5 hanging points, which is equivalent to a more complicated setup. If you are not good at handyman jobs, hire a professional electrician or technician to help you.

The W pattern can utilize several light strings to connect together in order to achieve your desired length or only one long strand, depending on your skills and preference.

Square or Grid pattern

How To String Lights Across Backyard?

Apply the square pattern for small backyards while the grid is for larger areas. Squares are easier than grids.

In general, this technique is perfect for oblong, square, and rectangular shapes.

With the square pattern, you’ll need four tall posts at each corner to create the “squareness” feeling. The grid requires more posts/poles, especially in the intersection points between two strings to support the tension, keeping them straight and beautiful.

Maypole Or Tent

How To String Lights Across Backyard?

This is an extension of the Horizon point and also considered as the most logistically complex pattern to install.

The biggest difference between these two techniques is while the pinnacle point of Horizon Point located on the furthest end of your backyard, the point of Maypole moves to the center of the space.

From here, the lights fan out like an umbrella or a wheel.

Due to the extra complexity in installation, you need to choose a sturdier and taller pole/post for this pinnacle point. Make sure it is 20-30 feet tall.

Take Advantage Of Your Umbrella Or Gazebo

How To String Lights Across Backyard?

If your backyard has an umbrella but isn’t equipped with lights, why not add some along with its frame.

This DIY project gives you two biggest benefits - providing extra brightness at night and make your patio umbrella a beautiful focal point. It’s like one stone killing two birds.

Moreover, it is very easy to carry out.

All you need to prepare is a solid circular frame in your backyard to hang on the lights, whether a gazebo, a canopy tent, or an umbrella, several outdoor light strings with a full kit, and a power source. Add with a smart remote controller if you prefer extra convenience.

Here is how to string lights on your umbrella/gazebo:

Hang Lights Along The Fence

You’ll commonly find this technique at garden parties or weddings.

It requires draping the lights every 2-3 bulbs or creating a swag then is hung on flat surfaces like walls or fences. This light hanging method is suitable to create an ambience for your outdoor space at night.

It shouldn’t be as bright as the general lighting or task lighting, especially when you intend to sit near them.

It’d be best to choose yellow light to bring the most elegant and delicate lighting effect while not hurting your eyes.

Besides, you can try different light types on this technique for various lighting effects, such as LED strings, icicle lights, and fairy lights for small surfaces while the C9 bulbs and globe lights are excellent for larger areas.

Here is how to hang lights along a fence:

String Lights On The Trees

How To String Lights Across Backyard?

This is the most common way to make any tree in your garden become a focal point. It is usually applied in parties or holidays to create a fun and magical feeling.

Lighting is ideal for all of the three types, including yucca, palm tree, deciduous tree, and evergreen.

Wrapping red or white lights along the palm tree display its upright, vertical shape, drawing the eye toward the beautiful night sky. Meanwhile, hanging lights on a bare leafless tree deliver a perfect framework.

Here is how to string lights on your backyard trees:


That’s all about this article.

Hopefully, with the provided options, tips, and tutorial videos, you’ll get a better idea of how to string lights across the backyard that suits the most to your needs and preference. Thanks for reading!

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