Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

By Harry RamosLast update: 2023-08-23

Whether growing a kitchen herb garden is your hobby or you just want to add these unique fresh-picked flavors to any of your recipes all year round to make them from good to great, you will be spoilt for choice.

Hope that our recommendations of the best herbs to grow indoors below will bring you straightly to the next step of your garden plan.


Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

This critical herb for global cuisines is among the most forgiving indoor growers. You only have to pot this long-term houseplant in rich, organic potting soil, pinch back any flowers, and sow a new batch of basil seeds once every several weeks for a steady supply of these aromatic leaves.

As basil loves a lot of bright sunlight and heat, you can either start it from seeds or buy small basil plants, but make sure to use a grow light or locate these containers in a warm and sunny place such as a south- or west-facing window.

Note: The best choice for indoor growing is the smaller globe basil types. Many a larger variety might cause you some storage problems.


Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

Rosemary is a great sturdy, shrub-like garnish that can grow pretty well indoors. Just start with cuttings of rosemary off an established plant and keep them in a well-drained, sandy potting mix until it fully roots.

Since this aromatic and distinctive herb thrives in the similar growing conditions as basil- a south-facing window with fair humidity& light, these two types of herbs can be planted together.

Snip a few 1-4" sprigs anytime to add a fragrant rich, piney flavor twist to any meat and fish recipes.


Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

As mint planted outdoors might run wild, growing it in a container can prevent it from spreading all over your gardens and yards. From apple, orange, banana, and chocolate to spearmint and peppermint, the dozens of flavorful varieties available are suitable for indoor gardening.

Whether you want to grow chocolate-mint to add to your yogurt or morning smoothie or spearmint for a fun fresh spin in your roasted vegetables, give this natural choice for potted gardening moderate to strong light and grow it in rich potting mix with frequent waterings.

Lemon Balm

Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

Lemon balm is one of the best houseplants to start your indoor gardens, but much attention needed for it to thrive.

For the best flavor of these mild mint-like lemon scent leaves, you should grow your plants within one year long. Follow the schedule below:

  • Plant your lemon balm indoors in the autumn– treat it with no more than five hours of strong sunlight per day
  • Let it grow indoors within the winter
  • Plant it outdoors during the springs and summers


Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

With parsley grown in a pot—in lightly well-drained rich soil mix near a sunny windowroughly10-12 weeks before the last spring frost date, you will find yourself using up a bunch of parsley in all types of dishes from blue cheese-stuffed shrimps and grilled meats to cheese and fresh herb quiche!

As this biennial herb is a slow starter, to start it from seeds, before being sown, they should be soaked it in warm water to crack their coat.

Parsley plants grow best in deep individual pots with the soil approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The more sunlight it receives, the quicker it grows.


Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

Aside from the fresh leaves with a potent flavor and a beautiful scent used in Middle Eastern, Central American, Mexican, and Italian cuisines, gardeners also love oregano as it is an exceptionally easy and hardy robust herb to grow indoors.

Plant care is so simple. Give them moderate to strong light and water them when the soil surface’s got dried. Never let it dry out, though.

As oregano and sage share some similarities when it comes to the desired growing conditions, they can be the best companions.


Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

Part of the mint family, this herb native to the Mediterranean adds a nice touch to any indoor herb gardens. Moreover, as this perennial herb can grow wild when being grown outdoors, it’s much better to cultivate it in your own containers.

You can either get a starter plant or start sage from cuttings or growing tips of an established mother plant, stick them in a container with a high-quality potting mix, and wait for these cuttings to root in a few weeks by keeping them moist.

Care advice: Sage is easiest-going when you place it in a sunny spot with from 6 to 8 hours of light per day.


Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

A must in any Provençal French, Italian, and Mediterranean cuisines, thyme is one of the best herbs to grow indoors. This wonderful and versatile houseplant can be best adaptable to a clay planter as tiny as from four to six inches.

Though other pot types might suffice, only this excellent clay container can allow your plants to dry out between drinks and prevent this drought-tolerant from overly wet roots.

And a container with more than one large drainage hole is the best cure for any soggy root conditions that scares thyme.


Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

Seriously versatile and robust in growing habit, this edible species of the genus Allium needs low maintenance to produce such high yield four seasons a year.

The best time to grow chives indoors is from late summer to early autumn. Though this herb grows full and lush with from 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day, you still can grow it in winter when snow covers your garden and the sunlight is much lower.

Care advice: To encourage spreading, clip the shoots regularly.

Bay laurel

Best Herbs To Grow Indoors

Despite performing best when being kept outdoors in partial shade to full sun, bay laurel is among perennials that do work well using the container gardening method. Always use a container with well-drained soil and put it in a west- or east-facing windowsill.

Be sure to upgrade your bay laurel pot to a bigger home to give them enough air circulation to grow healthily.

Tip: As bay laurel seeds painfully take time to germinate, start with a transplant to save yourself this hassle.


Leave some room in your kitchen near a small sunny tabletop or windowsill for the best herbs to grow indoors and you will never run out of these special ingredients for healthier recipes.

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