List Of Fruit Trees That Grow From Cuttings

By Harry RamosLast update: 2024-04-03
List Of Fruit Trees That Grow From Cuttings

It’s usually costly to buy a bunch of fruit trees for creating a natural beautiful fence in your garden or landscape. So, why not propagate them on your own? Taking cuttings is currently one of the most popular and also the easiest way to try.

Here, I am going to share a list of fruit trees that grow from cuttings. Let’s take a look!


List Of Fruit Trees That Grow From Cuttings

This is a great choice to grow in your own jelly garden.

There are two main types of mulberries – wild mulberries and cultivated varieties. If you choose to take cuttings from the first type, taking some cuttings from different trees will increase your chances of growing.

On the contrary, if you take cuttings from cultivated varieties, choose the ones that are known to be self-fruitful.

The cuttings should be 12” in length taken from pliable, soft branches. The best time to root them is during late winter. Choose a medium container and place it in a greenhouse environment.

List Of Fruit Trees That Grow From Cuttings

Remember to keep the potting soil always moist by mist the above-ground growth and keep watering at least once per day.

Only place your mulberry container outdoors when the cutting has started developing leaves as well as the outdoor temps warm-up. Place it in sunny spots.


List Of Fruit Trees That Grow From Cuttings

Grow them in a greenhouse environment until new growth appears. The best time to root fig cuttings is in early spring and wait until the weather gets warmer (early summer) to bring them outside.

The best cuttings for rooting should be 8” in length and ½” thick.

The potting soil must be consistently moist but not soggy.


List Of Fruit Trees That Grow From Cuttings

Blueberries can be grown from either hardwood or softwood cuttings.

From hardwood cuttings:

They should be taken during late January through February after sufficient chilling has occurred.

The cuttings must have healthy, strong whips or shoots (normally 12” to 36” in length) then are divided into 5” long sections with either a bench saw with a fine blade or a sharp knife.

If the terminal of these whips has flower buds, clear them off.

From softwood cuttings:

They should be taken in late spring when stems have developed woody tissue but terminal leaves are still half-grown and the cuttings themselves are flexible.

Collect softwood cuttings from the tips of the current season’s growth, roughly 5” in length. The chances for success will be higher if these cuttings are collected from the 1st flush of spring growth.

Either way, remember to always keep the cuttings cool and moist. Root them in the moist potting soil from ½ to 2/3 inches of their length.

Propagation beds for blueberry cuttings should have adequate ventilation, be under a shade cloth (up to 70% shade) and well-drained.


List Of Fruit Trees That Grow From Cuttings

It will give the best results if you grow gooseberries from hardwood cuttings.

Timing for taking gooseberry cuttings is important; it should be during the dormant season of the plant, just before the buds open in spring or after the parent plant drops their leaves. Mid-fall to late winter is a good time for cutting the branch.

Then, cut this branch into 6” long sections. Make a straight cut at the bottom just below a bud and a slanting slice just above it.

Root these sections into high-quality potting soil (including compost and coarse grit) up to half of their length then place these pots in cool conditions, such as an unheated greenhouse, garage, or a cold frame.

It takes up to the next autumn for these cuttings to develop roots. During that time, remember to water them occasionally.

If you want to speed up this growing stage, before rooting them, dip the base end of each section in the hormone rooting powder.


List Of Fruit Trees That Grow From Cuttings

Like most shrubs, quinces can be grown by seed, cuttings, and layering.

Hardwood is best for growing quinces from cuttings.

Take 8” cuttings from the last year’s growth during the dormant season and before blooming time, usually from late winter to very early spring. To prevent introduction of disease and damage to the plant, only utilize clean, sharp implements to cut the branch.

Cut off all the lower leaves and root them in a liquid mixture of rooting hormone powder and water.

The soil prepared for these cuttings should be a good mixture of perlite and sphagnum peat. Meanwhile, the container needs placing on top of a seedling heat mat or in a humid, hot greenhouse for faster-rooting development.

Water them well during this time.


List Of Fruit Trees That Grow From Cuttings

While there are many ways to propagate grapes, dormant cuttings are the most popular. Just like most other fruit trees here, the greatest time for taking cuttings is during the dormant season.

Remember two things when cutting the branch:

  • Only choose at least 1-year-old growth (a bit bigger than a pen)
  • Select straight, long shoots

The shoot should be at least 6’ in length then take roughly 18” long cuttings (each contain 4 buds) from it (at the shoot’s base). The cuttings will only root if they are right side up.

As soon as you prune the cuttings, place them in the ground. Dip three of the buds into the soil, the remaining one left above.

For the best results, do around 10% more cuttings than the desired quantities.


Hopefully, this list of fruit trees that grow from cuttings will help you find out the right one for your garden, preference, and needs. Regardless, you can try other fruit trees, such as currants, elderberries, olives, and Pomegranate.

That’s all for this article. Thanks for reading!

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