Pretty Plants To Keep Your House Cool

By Harry RamosLast update: 2024-03-27

Most of us have probably heard a lot about the air purifying abilities and aesthetic value of houseplants, but only a few know that some plants can even help keep your home cool, especially during summer.

These plants are commonly high-water content. During their natural transpiration, a huge amount of cool moisture will be evaporated into the air, which makes the room cooler.

Below are the 7 pretty plants to keep your house cool for you to choose from. Keep reading!

Ficus Benjamina (Also Known As Weeping Fig)

Pretty Plants To Keep Your House Cool

Level: Easy to grow

Care guide: Place it in a luminous room with no direct sunlight exposure. Keep the soil moist, not damp or wet. Make sure to keep the temperatures at around 55-85 degrees F.

In terms of fertilizing, Ficus Benjamina prefers liquid plant food. It’s best to feed them during late spring and early summer.

Extra note: Don’t move it frequently because the plant needs much time to modify to its new environment.

Other benefits: Aside from keeping your house cool, the plant can cleanse toluene, xylene, and airborne formaldehyde efficiently, according to NASA's Clean Air Study. That means it can purify and improve the indoor air in your home.

Snake Plant (Also Known As Sansevieria Or Mother-In-Law's Tongue)

Pretty Plants To Keep Your House Cool

Level: Super-easy to grow

Care guide: Perfect to be grown in warm areas (50+ degrees F in temperature). Thrive happily in a low-light to the shady environment, but they are still able to bear a bit of direct sunlight during the day.

Snake plants don't actually need fertilizing but if you prefer, feed them an organic all-purpose fertilizer for indoor plants, twice during spring or summer.

Water them every 2-8 weeks or wait until the soil is almost dried out.

Other benefits: They can absorb and remove airborne allergens in the air, along with toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, benzene, and CO2.

Areca Palm

Pretty Plants To Keep Your House Cool

Level: Medium

Care guide: Feed them during spring using a time-release fertilizer. Areca palm also requires frequent watering, especially during spring and summer. In autumn and winter, wait until the soil dries a little bit before watering it.

As for illumination, the plant prefers bright, indirect light. It can’t tolerate direct sunlight so avoid placing it near sunny windows or doors.

The best temperature ranges for areca palm are 60-75 degrees F.

Other benefits: Just like other houseplants here, areca palm beautifies your home interior, absorbs many indoor air pollutants (despite its small contribution), and enhances air humidity levels.

For pet owners, this is a safe plant to grow indoors.

Besides, in the opinion of Asian people, it brings luck and wealth to the homeowner.

Boston Ferns

Pretty Plants To Keep Your House Cool

Level: Medium

Care guide: While Boston ferns love growing in a luminous, indirect-sunlight room with temperature ranges of 60-75 degrees F, they can tolerate different lighting conditions plus various soil types. Make sure to water it frequently or at least, keep the soil moist.

In the summer, feed them with a slow-release fertilizer, a 20-10-20 NPK fertilizer, or a water-soluble fertilizer diluted at ½ strength.

Other benefits: It can remove some airborne pollutants, such as toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde while providing a green touch of nature to your indoors.

Golden Pothos

Pretty Plants To Keep Your House Cool

Level: Easy to care

Care guide: Don’t require frequent watering. Golden pothos can be grown in a wide range of soil and water conditions (including crumbly, nutrient-poor soil, or purely in the water).

Their favorite living environment is luminous and indirect sunlight at temperatures of 75-80 degrees F.

While they don’t need fertilizing, you can apply all-purpose plant foods during their growing season (once a month) if you want.

Other benefits: The plant grows fast; it can thrive 10-12” longer every month if cared for properly. It is recommended by NASA for its great air-purifying abilities. It can absorb CO2, benzene, and formaldehyde in the air.

Baby Rubber Plant (Also Known As Peperomia Obtusifolia)

Pretty Plants To Keep Your House Cool

Level: Easy to care

Care guide: Baby rubber plants prefer a medium amount of sunlight per day and their favorite temperature ranges are 65°F-75°F. Wait until the soil is almost dried out before watering or remain watering once/week.

It grows fast, so you might need to prune them a few times per year and re-pot them once per 2-3 years. Fertilize it 2-3 times per year. It’s best to apply a ¼” layer of worm compost.

Other benefits: Baby rubber plants give a lot of benefits, such as:

  • Affordable to buy
  • Remove air pollutants and allergens
  • With its dense, glossy green leaves and short figure, baby rubber plants do add aesthetics to your home interior.

Note: It is not recommended for pet owners.

Aloe Vera

Pretty Plants To Keep Your House Cool

Level: Easy to grow

Care guide: Aloe Vera needs infrequently watering; just wait until the 3” topsoil dried before watering and each time, water them deeply.

Place them in a luminous, indirect-sunlight spot in your home and remain in the temperature ranges of 50-85 degrees F.

Other benefits: The plant releases oxygen at night and absorbs CO2 simultaneously, which is ideal for bedrooms. It also can absorb formaldehyde to purify the air.

Besides, their gel is effective at healing cuts and soothing sunburn or burn marks caused by fire or heat because of their high content of vitamins and anti-bacterial properties. Aloe Vera is edible and a popular nutrient-rich, tasty food.


Do you find that our post is helpful to you? Which plant is your most favorite? Please let us know! We hope that through this article, you’ve got 7 more options of pretty plants to keep your house cool. Thanks for reading!

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